Apply Work Permit Singapore
Success Human Resource Centre offers services on work pass application for Non-Singaporeans pertaining to Employment Pass, S Pass, Work Permit Pass, Dependent Pass etc.
Getting hired abroad is not as simple as one may think. In most countries, you will need to secure a work visa first before you can enter the country and officially start working. In Singapore, there is a Singapore work permit that you need to have. As a foreign worker, Singapore will require you to present a work permit before you can start with your job in the country. It serves as a worker's passport because it determines all the necessary details about your type of employment so, without it, you would not be able to enter, render work, and even reside in the country. Work in Singapore differs depending on the nature and salary so the work permit for each type of employment also varies. There are dedicated permits for highly-skilled professionals, middle-level positions, basic skilled workers, and more.
A work permit application can be a tough task but we at Success Human Resource Centre (SHRC) commit to quality service and assistance for your work visa. Ministry of Manpower (MOM) has several complex requirements so we are here to help you get your employment pass the soonest. Getting your documents verified and taking the right steps is important when applying for a work permit. Because it is highly sensitive and critical documentation, ensuring that all phases and requirements are accurately accomplished is imperative.

Singapore Work Permit Application: The Various Types
Application of passes entails a lot of time and effort and any error will be rejected outright by MOM. An S Pass application status is often probed about but here at Success Human Resource, we strive to get the S Pass status delivered to you in the shortest duration possible. Only authorised recipients of work permits will be able to push through with their employment in Singapore so it is essential for applicants to secure passes ahead of time and seek assistance from experienced consultants to avoid errors and unfavourable outcomes. We have been inputting Singapore work permits for many years; since we are very much knowledgeable of MOM’s requirements regarding the approval of passes, we can advise and assist our clients accordingly in order to help them get the approval that they need. We cannot guarantee approval of passes as it solely relies on the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) but based on the candidate or applicant’s work experience, education level, and salary, we are able to gauge the eligibility and approval of the foreign talents’ work permit applications with high success rate. Once your current work permit expires, you will need to reapply for it so we provide assistance to both new applicants and those needing renewals. Work passes should always be valid so you will have to get them up to date every time it expire.
Acquiring a work pass can be tedious and challenging since you will have to work on a lot of documents including the essential notification letter, so connecting with a direct MOM officer or getting assistance from a legitimate company like SHRC will help you increase your chances of getting approved. The work permit will determine whether you are an authorised person for the type of employment you have so knowing which one to apply for is important.
Employment Pass
E Pass is the work pass given to highly-skilled foreign professionals with high qualifications and salary offers in Singapore. Candidates are usually managers, executives, or other designations that are on the executive level. Candidates who have an E Pass are also eligible to sponsor their parent, spouse, or sibling.
S Pass
The S Pass is for those who are in the middle level management or in supervisory positions but whose working experience and salary are not eligible for the E Pass criteria. The minimum required salary is currently at $2,200. The candidate can sponsor their spouse or sibling if their salary is above $4,000.
Work Permit
When you apply for a work permit in Singapore, you will need to meet the standard criteria. This type of pass is for semi skilled foreign workers that are in the field of construction, construction manufacturing, marine shipyard, and service sector like the hotel, food, and beverage industry. Work permits are usually for Malaysians, but non Malaysian applicants are also welcome as long as they are from approved source countries. A work permit is for those who want to work in an entry-level job or a junior position.
Letter of Consent
A letter of consent or LOC is issued by the Ministry of Manpower, allowing Dependant Pass holders to work and stay in Singapore. To be eligible, the applicant worker must be a dependant of an E Pass holder and must have secured a job offer with a Singapore employer. There is still an application form that they may need to accomplish along with other requirements such as fingerprints and photo, application fee, work permit card, and medical examination.
Dependant Pass
Employment Pass holders and S Pass holders with a fixed monthly salary of at least $4,000 may apply for Dependant Pass for their spouse, whom they are legally married to, as well their siblings who are unmarried or legally adopted children who are still under the age of 21 years old. Dependant Passes can be used by eligible holders as long as the main person with a Singapore work visa is actively working in the country. Dependant Pass holders can reside, enter, and leave Singapore without the need to apply for a separate Singapore entry visa.